Themes & Events

Browse the catalogue and discover the items grouped by party theme, for example Pirates, Cowboys, 70s and by type of Event: birthdays, stag and hen parties, Christmas, New Year, Halloween, Births....

Item code: 04751
Brand: N/A
3 bracelets which glow in the dark in the assorted colors: red, yellow and blue. Ideal for disco nights, concerts or summer parties.
Item code: 09149
Brand: N/A
3 hanging ghosts with height cm.15 that glow in the dark. Ideal decoration for your Halloween party.
Item code: 09188
Brand: N/A
Set of 3 bright plastic hands, with fabric, chains and picket to be placed. Macabre garden decoration high cm.60, essential for any terrible haunted house, gravestone or entrance to your horror and Halloween parties. Batteries included.
Item code: 09265
Brand: N/A
Felt hanging decoration with three pumpkins. Height cm.38. A nice idea to set up your home on Halloween evening.

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