SKU: 03457
Brand: N/A
Black tutu skirt with white polka dots in fabric and veil, long cm.30. Ideal for a 50's themed party, birthdays, Carnival or just to have fun every day. One size for kid.
SKU: 03468
Brand: N/A
Skirt for kid in red fabric with white polka dots 30 cm long. It has a soft elastic waistband and is available in one size. Ideal for playing Minnie Mouse.
SKU: 03458
Brand: N/A
Red tutu skirt with black polka dots in fabric and veil, long cm.30. Ideal for a 50's themed party, birthdays, Carnival or just to have fun every day. One size for kid.
SKU: 03461
Brand: N/A
Tutu skirt in green veil with colored polka dots, long cm.30. Ideal for birthdays, Carnival, theatrical performances, dance essays or simply to have fun every day. One size for kid.
SKU: 07360
Brand: N/A
Il fondotinta bianco ? utilissimo per truccare il viso in mille modi diversi:? una base fondamentale per il trucco da scheletro o da alieno o da mostro di Halloween.E' atossico, facile da usare. Si rimuove con latte detergente o altro struccante.
SKU: 08733
Brand: N/A
Veil with crown, ideal accessory for hen parties, perfect to recognize the future bride


