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SKU: 04584
Brand: N/A
Silver metallized wrapped streamer, 18 rolls, mm.7, mt.4. Ideal for Carnival and New Year's parties.
SKU: 04583
Brand: N/A
Gold metallized wrapped streamer, 18 rolls, mm.7, mt.4. Ideal for Carnival and New Year's parties.
SKU: 04585
Brand: N/A
Red metallized wrapped streamer, 18 rolls, mm.7, mt.4. Ideal for Carnival and New Year's parties.
SKU: 04353
Brand: N/A
Standard streamer in FSC certified paper packaged in 100% recyclable plastic since it is obtained from vegetable raw materials to reduce the environmental impact.
SKU: 06614
Brand: N/A
A perfect headband to celebrate the bachelorette party and to distinguish the future bride, the protagonist of jokes and laughter among friends.
SKU: 06585
Brand: N/A
Headband with nice spider felt decoration, ideal for Halloween.
SKU: 06600
Brand: N/A
Scary headband with a large black spider applied. Ideal to complete your disguise in a simple and fast way, but certainly effective, for Halloween night.
SKU: 06195
Brand: N/A
Headband with big gray spider in plush, for a Halloween disguise that will not let you go unnoticed.


