Accessoires pour toute fête : du Carnaval à Halloween, de l’anniversaire à la fête de fin d’études. Découvrez un vaste éventail d’accessoires indispensables à la réussite de toute fête.

SKU: 08778
Brand: N/A
Package containing 100 balloons, with a diameter of about 26 cm, in assorted colours. Decoration to be inflated with air or helium, ideal for any party occasion.
SKU: 04940
Brand: N/A
Pack of 12 streamer-shooter bottles approx. 2,6cm in diameter. Pyrotechnic article for adults, suitable for any kind of party.
SKU: 09046
Brand: N/A
12 bones, to decorate the small horror angles and Halloween settings.
SKU: 09317
Brand: N/A
2 black plastic spiders with a diameter of cm.13. A highly effective accessory to create horror scenes and scary jokes.


