SKU: 02693
Brand: N/A
Pirate wig made up of red bandana with white skull application and long black hairs. To become the terror of the Seven Seas!
SKU: 02743
Brand: N/A
Black wig with white tuft for man, for an extravagant look or to imitate Malgioglio: singer-songwriter and Italian TV character. Glasses with black frame included.
SKU: 02723
Brand: N/A
Blonde wig with plait for kid, to impersonate Frozen's protagonist.
SKU: 02309
Brand: N/A
Red curly wig with golden crown, to interpret the Queen of Hearts of Alice in Wonderland.
SKU: 02709
Brand: N/A
White wig rooted on the cap with glasses included, perfect article to interpret Doc, the scientist of the famous film Back to the Future.
SKU: 02732
Brand: N/A
Wig with sideburns for man to complete a disquieting and accurate disguise, for a party that promises to be full of fear. Suitable for horror and Halloween disguises.
SKU: 02314
Brand: N/A
Long straight blue wig with diadem to play Wonder Woman, the first female heroine.

Perruques aux cheveux longs, courts, carrés, bouclés, lisses, colorés, tressés, ainsi que des barbes, des moustaches, des sourcils... bref, tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour compléter un déguisement pour toute occasion de fête. 

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