Ángeles y Demonios

SKU: 03450
Brand: N/A
Black veil skirt with red spiderweb prints, one size with elastic waistband, length cm.4 . Garment to complete a Halloween disguise.
SKU: 03419
Brand: N/A
White veil skirt with black spiderwebs, one size for children with elastic waistband. Length cm.3 . Garment to complete a Halloween disguise.
SKU: 03428
Brand: N/A
Skirt in black veil with golden prints of Halloween subjects, one size for children with elastic waistband. Length cm.3 .
SKU: 03429
Brand: N/A
Skirt in black veil with silver prints of Halloween subjects, one size for children with elastic waistband. Length cm.3 .
SKU: 03422
Brand: N/A
Skirt in black veil with red prints of spiderwebs, one size for children with elastic waistband. Length cm.3 . Garment to complete a Halloween disguise.
SKU: 03427
Brand: N/A
Red veil skirt with black prints of spiderwebs, one size for children with elastic waistband. Length cm.3 . Garment to complete a Halloween disguise.
SKU: 07040
Brand: N/A
Black and white adhesive nails with Halloween subjects, to complete your disguise.
SKU: 07058
Brand: N/A
Black and orange adhesive nails with Halloween subjects, to complete your disguise.
SKU: 07360
Brand: N/A
Il fondotinta bianco Å  utilissimo per truccare il viso in mille modi diversi:Å  una base fondamentale per il trucco da scheletro o da alieno o da mostro di Halloween.E' atossico, facile da usare. Si rimuove con latte detergente o altro struccante.

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