Navega por el catálogo y descubre los artículos agrupados por temas de fiesta, por ejemplo, piratas, vaqueros, años 70, y por tipo de evento, por ejemplo, cumpleaños, despedidas de soltero/a, Navidad, Nochevieja, Halloween, Nacimiento....

SKU: 00213
Brand: N/A
WARNING! NET PRICE euro 4,10. Composed by a PET screen and a frame. Complete face protection from splashes, saliva, high particles speed, ensuring good ventilation. The frame is equipped with two special lateral fixing knobs which allow to lift the screen for an angle of 90 without touching it, avoiding thus to soil or contaminate it. The knobs mechanism is studied so that the screen results resistant to movement, avoiding the risk of accidental lifting caused by unnoticed gestures. The protective visor is equipped with an elastic retention band. Length and tension can be varied by adjustable velcro straps. PPE compliant with UNI EN technical standard 166:2004. Washable and sanitizable after each use. CE certified product. The protective visor does not affect the use of other types of fac
SKU: 09149
Brand: N/A
3 hanging ghosts with height cm.15 that glow in the dark. Ideal decoration for your Halloween party.
SKU: 04533
Brand: N/A
3 metallized gold wrapped streamers, 18 rolls, mm.7, mt.4. Ideal for Carnival and New Year's parties.
SKU: 04534
Brand: N/A
3 metallized silver wrapped streamers, 18 rolls, mm.7, mt.4. Ideal for Carnival and New Year's parties.
SKU: 04535
Brand: N/A
3 metallized red wrapped streamers, 18 rolls, mm.7, mt.4. Ideal for Carnival and New Year's parties.
SKU: 04541
Brand: N/A
4 wrapped metallized streamers, 9 rolls, mm.14, mt.4. Ideal for Carnival and New Year's parties.

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